Our Health and safety posters are a vital aspect of your health and safety at work policy. Our range of health and safety posters give a clear visual display of basic health and safety procedure that all staff members should know .
From manual handling to first aid and fire procedures, each of our posters work as a visual reminder of the CORRECT way to do each task. After initial training, staff members can all too easily slip back into bad habits. For example, the simple task of using a ladder can be a common problem, with most people having used them at home for years, its vital to make sure correct procedures are followed and not just referring to after an incident has occurred, remembering that the aim is to keep staff members safe, even from there own carelessness, as well as ensuring that no laws are being broken within the work place!!! Our safe use of ladders poster give the correct guidelines for both training and daily use .
Equally our manual handling at work poster give the correct procedure for lifting and moving, or in fact when not to lift or move .
Our range of health and safety posters include
Accident Reporting Poster, Construction Site Safety Poster, Electric Shock Treatment Poster, First Aid Poster, Food Hygiene Poster, Manual Handling Regulations Poster, Noise at Work Poster, Office Safety Poster, Safe Use of Ladders Poster, Work Equipment Poster, Workplace Regulations Poster, Health and Safety Law Poster